Why the World Needs Justice University®

As evidenced by growing divisions and conflicts among people today, leaders and citizens around the world lack a coherent body of definitions, principles and theories for understanding and implementing social and economic justice. Without a universal, unifying and practical paradigm to guide them, how can communities, nations and the world ever hope to achieve peace, freedom, prosperity and empowerment for every citizen?

Most institutions, including academia, accept as a given the wage-welfare systems of capitalism, socialism and their myriad hybrids, ignoring the fact that all these systems inevitably concentrate ownership, opportunity and power in a tiny economic or political elite. In common, the prevailing paradigms that are taught by academia view human labor as the only way most people can participate in the economic process and generate their incomes.

Meanwhile, growing numbers of students pursuing higher education are forced to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars they don’t have, to prepare for jobs that may not exist when they graduate, and to assume a lifetime of debt to do so. In most law schools, where the future architects of our laws and institutions are molded, they teach the Law but they don’t teach Justice.

Objectives of Justice University

Justice University® recognizes the critical role of education in teaching at all levels of learning the moral principles, systems theory (“binary economics”), and real-world applications of economic and social justice. Effective change requires a common understanding of and commitment to universal moral values, sound economic principles, a unifying vision and a feasible plan. Within a sound conceptual framework, people in any society can organize more effectively to reform their institutions to promote equal opportunity, human development and full participation in the economic, social and political order.

Justice University seeks to transform education in order to equip people from early childhood throughout their lives with the analytical, critical and creative skills they will need to meet the demands of the 21st century workplace and to earn an independent living in the face of automation, robotics, artificial intelligence, and global competition.

How Justice University® Operates

The Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) established Justice University® in 2010, then in 2019 launched an online, interactive “global classroom,” which will grow and evolve as a national and global partnership of universities, teaching colleges, elementary and high schools; educational, research and charitable institutes; community anchor institutions; student and community groups; and leaders in business, banking and labor.

JU offers a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to moral education at all educational levels. This initiative seeks widespread understanding and public discussion of the principles and applications of a just free market, 21st Century socio-economic paradigm based on the dignity, empowerment, participation and fullest development of each human person within a just social order.

We are now offering the Justice University Certification Program (JU101), a ten-lesson course for free here on this site. It is a self-paced course with videos, readings and quizzes. To take the course, register here. (You can also read a PDF overview of the entire course here.)

Our Partners

Justice University
CESJ - Center for Economic and Social Justice
Unite America Party

"We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.

Our challenge is to make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage."

R. Buckminster Fuller